
5th IAST Political Economy/Political Science conference

March 26–27, 2018

Toulouse, France

Room MS 001

The conference focused on how the interplay between social identities and political organization shapes politics and policies.

Full Programme [pdf file]

List of Speakers

Simon Chauchard, Dartmouth (Abstract_paper) (Full paper)
Elias Dinas, EUI & Oxford (Abstract_paper) (Full paper)
Jenn Larson, NYU (Abstract_paper) (Full paper)
Yotam Margalit, Tel Aviv University (Abstract_paper)
Cecilia Mo, UC Berkeley (Abstract_paper) (Full paper)
Soledad Prillaman, Oxford, Nuffield College (Abstract_paper)
Amanda Robinson, Ohio State (Abstract_paper) (Full paper)
Moses Shayo, HebrewU (Abstract_paper)
Michael Becher, IAST & UT1 (Abstract_paper)
Vittorio Merola, IAST (Abstract_paper)

Travel Information [pdf file]

Conference Venue

Location (Map of University Campus)

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.


5th IAST Political Economy/Political Science conference, Toulouse, France, March 26–27, 2018, room MS 001.