Julien Lie-Panis, Léo Fitouchi, Nicolas Baumard, and Jean-Baptiste André, “The social leverage effect: Institutions transform weak reputation effects into strong incentives for cooperation”, PNAS, vol. 121(51), n. e2408802121, November 2024.
Léo Fitouchi, and Manvir Singh, “Punitive justice serves to restore reciprocal cooperation in three small-scale societies”, Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 44, n. 5, September 2023, pp. 502–514.
Léo Fitouchi, and Manvir Singh, “Supernatural punishment beliefs as cognitively compelling tools of social control”, Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 24, April 2022, pp. 252–257.
Benoït de Courson, Léo Fitouchi, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, and Michael Benzaquen, “Cultural diversity and wisdom of crowds are mutually beneficial and evolutionarily stable”, Scientific Reports, vol. 11, n. 16566, August 2021.