
Accountability and compliance in the coronavirus pandemic: preliminary evidence and a research agenda from the comparative survey project Citizens' attitudes to Covid-19

Michael Becher

April 28, 2020, 12:45–13:45


Room Zoom


I will present some very preliminary results and research plans from the recently launched comparative survey project Citizens' attitudes to Covid-19, which conducts panel surveys in more than 10 countries to study political, economic and psychological dimensions of the coronavirus pandemic. The presentation will focus on two aspects. The first issue concerns whether/how people hold governments accountable for their management of the crisis. Theory suggests that people may use cross-national benchmarking information from the media to assign responsibility. I report results from a pre-registered survey experiment conducted in France, Germany and the UK to shed light on the relevance of benchmarking in this crisis. I will also discuss plans for subsequent experiments and observational analyses. The second issue concerns public compliance with social distancing policies. We use an experimental approach to measure non-compliance to reduce social desirability bias. Time permitting, I will discuss results on whether inter-personal trust, religion, and political orientations correlate with reduced compliance.


Michael Becher, Accountability and compliance in the coronavirus pandemic: preliminary evidence and a research agenda from the comparative survey project Citizens' attitudes to Covid-19, IAST Lunch Seminar, Toulouse: IAST, April 28, 2020, 12:45–13:45, room Zoom.