
Pyrenean Interdisciplinary Research Event (PIREN)

January 25–27, 2016

Ax les Thermes, France

Program of the conference [in pdf file]

Monday, January, 25th : Cognition and Social Behaviors (Ecology, Cognitive Psychology, Anthropology)

2:15pm-2:45pm: Maxime Cauchoix, IAST Research Fellow: “How can we study the evolution of animal minds? From mechanisms to adaptive value of cognition ”
2:55pm-3:20pm: Gladys Barragan-Jason, IAST Research Fellow: “Patience in young children ”
3:30pm-4:30pm: Cristina Atance , School of Psychology, Ottawa (IAST Visitor): “ Future-oriented reasoning in young children: self, other, and psychological distance”
5:10-6:10pm: Mike Gurven , University of California: “ Does market integration erode traditional social capital?”

Tuesday, January, 26th: Social Networks (Evolutionary Psychology/Biology, Sociology, Anthropology)

2:15pm-3:15pm: Sam Roberts , University of Chester: “ Can mobile phone data be used to study social relationships? ”
3:30pm-4:30pm: Bernie Hogan , University of Oxford: “ Research challenges at the cusp of sociology and computer science ”
5:00-5:45pm: Heidi Colleran , IAST Research Fellow: “Is fertility decline driven by a breakdown in kinship networks?”
6:00pm-6:30pm : Philipp Heeb, EDB: “ TBA “

Wednesday, January, 27th : Preferences and Personality (Law, Economics, Political sciences)

9:15pm-10:15pm: Daniel Chen , ETH Zurich: “ Perceived Masculinity Predicts Court Outcomes at the U.S. Supreme Court”
10:30pm-11:05pm: Jonathan Klinger , IAST Research Fellow: “I ncumbent Personality and Challenger Quality ”
11:35-12:00pm: Nicolas Treich , TSE-IAST: Brainstorming around “ Cognitive dissonance and meat consumption”

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.


Pyrenean Interdisciplinary Research Event (PIREN), Ax les Thermes, France, January 25–27, 2016.