
Public goods games on networks: the perfect presentation

Péter Bayer (Toulouse School of Economics - Research;Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse)

9 décembre 2022, 12h45–13h45


Salle Auditorium 4


Games on networks is the study of strategic decision making in which the players are the vertices of a (social) network and payoffs depend upon both the players' chosen actions and the (endogenous or exogenous) network structure. Public goods games on networks are one of the most well-studied such games, here, players' actions represent their economic activity (production, effort) and have local spillovers on their network neighbors. The applications of this class of games include the study of crime in a network of delinquents, R&D within interlinked firms, and defense expenditures in an international community. In this talk I will give an overview of economics literature on the topic, talk about own finished work, talk about upcoming work and its potential value for the IAST community, and in so doing I will transfer a lesson I was treated to over the summer on how to give the perfect presentation


Péter Bayer (Toulouse School of Economics - Research;Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse), « Public goods games on networks: the perfect presentation », IAST Lunch Seminar, Toulouse : IAST, 9 décembre 2022, 12h45–13h45, salle Auditorium 4.