
SKY: Towards Science 2.0

Sylvain Chabé-Ferret

14 mai 2019, 12h45–13h45


Salle MS003


SKY, the Social Science Knowledge Accumulation Initiative, ambitions to change the way we conduct research in the social sciences by leveraging the tools of the digital revolution in order to make science more accessible, open, collaborative, effective and credible. SKY is an open source collaborative platform hosting consensus articles based on the results of constantly updated meta-analysis. Each individual entry in the meta-analysis is the result of a dynamic research report that can also be hosted on SKY. SKY also ambitions to provide easy commenting on dynamic research reports and synthesis using online tools, as well as methodological guidelines and synthesis of methodological research. SKY is built using open source tools such as Rmarkdown, Git and MySQL. The talk will explain how SKY works and how individual scientists can contribute to it.


Sylvain Chabé-Ferret, « SKY: Towards Science 2.0 », IAST Lunch Seminar, Toulouse : IAST, 14 mai 2019, 12h45–13h45, salle MS003.