
The Third Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop

June 4–5, 2015

Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France

Preceding event

The 2nd Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, May 22–23, 2014.

Succeeding event

The 4th Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, May 30–31, 2016.

Just as physics provides a foundation for chemistry, and chemistry for medicine, biology is the natural foundation for any science that seeks to understand the behavior of living beings. Recent years have witnessed a surge in empirical and theoretical research that establishes connections between economics and biology. In particular, these two disciplines are increasingly being combined in order to enhance our understanding of the ultimate forces that drive (human) motivation.

Call for papers

[Detailed Program in pdf format]

This event has been funded by a French government subsidy managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under the framework of the investissements d'avenir programme reference ANR-11-LABX-0052.


The Third Toulouse Economics and Biology Workshop: Evolution and Morality, Manufacture des Tabacs, S Building, Toulouse, France, June 4–5, 2015.